Soon enough, the Summer will end and Autumn will be upon us. The temperature will drop and we will want to spend more time indoors. That means you should pick up some equipment to help you stay strong inside. Something like the Proud Panda Heavy Jump Rope.

Now, the Proud Panda Heavy Jump Rope works on the same basic principle as regular jump ropes. You grab it by both ends and try to jump over it. That way you build up your stamina and core and your reflexes. But this little number is also going to help you keep those arms and upper body muscles nice and strong.

The Proud Panda Heavy Jump Rope can do that because it is much heavier than a regular jump rope. 3 pounds of weight are found in this strong and durable piece of equipment. And with the ends of these ropes, you’ll get some strong padding to make it easier to grip and to make it easier on your hands.

Once you start using this rope, you will start to see some serious improvements. Not just in the strength of your arms and your back. But you will burn more calories and see some greater weight loss as well. All for a great low price, you can make a significant improvement to your home gym setup.

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