As we age, our bodies change. That two beers at dinner in your twenties becomes a hangover in your thirties and forties. Our cells, and thus our bodies, start to lose energy. We feel more tired. We feel more crabby. We feel a bit slower. This is all natural. It’s our bodies doing their thing. However, there are things that we can do to help ourselves age smarter, feel healthier, and maybe even live longer. Fatty15 is one of those things. As essential as a good diet, a goodnight’s sleep, and a good workout.

Fatty15 is the world’s first C15:0 (aka FA15TM) supplement. It’s award winning, backed by science, and developed by scientists and doctors formerly of the CDC, WHO, and the Navy. It’s the first essential fatty acid to be found in 90 years (the other being a type of omega-3 and omega-6) and its benefits—everything from helping you sleep deeper and snack less, to reversing aging at a cellular level—are for now and later.

A discovery 15 years in the making

Fatty15’s co-founders Stephanie and Eric Venn-Watson have over 40 patents, 70 peer-reviewed scientific publications, and 20+ years of military medicine under their belts. Even with these credentials, they were surprised by their initial discovery 15+ years ago, which came from a completely expected population.

Every hero has an origin story, and Fatty15’s story started by helping dolphins. While Stephanie, a public health scientist and veterinary epidemiologist, was studying how to improve the health and welfare of older Navy dolphins, she found that different dolphins were aging at different speeds. While some older dolphins developed aging-related conditions, like higher cholesterol and inflammation, others did not.

Stephanie discovered that dolphins with the highest C15:0 in their diet were the healthiest agers. When less healthy dolphins moved to a diet higher in C15:0, their cells stabilized and their chronic conditions subsided.

In humans, these aging-related conditions impact our quality of life and how long we live. When Stephanie saw the way C15:0 was benefiting the Navy’s dolphins, she and her team spent the next 3 years and 8 studies to make a once-in-a-century discovery.

A new essential fatty acid takes center stage

Stephanie’s team wasn’t the first to find C15:0. While this little molecule was first discovered in 1945, it wasn’t until fatty15’s team started looking into it that C15:0 became known as an “essential fatty acid.”

What exactly is a fatty acid? These natural molecules are important building blocks for every part of our body. They have a lot of important jobs that protect our overall health and well-being, especially as we age. This includes acting as our energy source, influencing healthy cell and organ function, and helping our cells respond to signals in our bodies. They also make up an important part of our cell membranes.

For a fatty acid to be deemed “essential”, certain levels of it have to be maintained in our bodies in order to maintain our baseline health. Because our bodies don’t make enough essential fatty acids on their own, we have to get them from our diet or supplements. If our body levels of essential fatty acids are too low, we can develop chronic conditions that impact our everyday lives. That’s a mouthful, but basically, as published in Nature’s Scientific Reports, C15:0 has been qualifying with flying colors.

So, how does C15:0 work? After eating foods with this essential fatty acid, it enters our cells. Once there, it’s able to strengthen and stabilize our cell membranes, acting like armor for our cells and protecting them against premature cell breakdown. C15:0 also helps our cells maintain their energy, recharging their battery packs (also known as mitochondria) and repairs their function in just a few weeks. Additionally, by naturally binding to receptors (called PPARs) found throughout our body and brain, this essential fatty acid has other major functions, like balancing metabolism, immunity, mood, appetite and sleep.

In fact, dozens of peer-reviewed studies have shown that people with higher C15:0 levels have healthier metabolic, heart and liver health, and some studies have even found that people with higher C15:0 levels live longer. The benefits are many but all you need to remember is that C15:0 may help you age smarter and feel healthier. This newly discovered essential fat may even help you live longer.

Not all saturated fats are created equal

C15:0 is more than just an essential fatty acid. It’s also a type of saturated fat. While these fats have gotten a bad rap, the truth is that not all saturated fats are created equal. When we eat, our body breaks food down into molecules. Those saturated fat molecules are formed into two main groups: even-chain and odd-chain saturated fatty acids.

Since the late 1970’s, we’ve been told to avoid all saturated fats to lower our risk of heart-related complications. While numerous studies have shown that even-chain saturated fats (like C16:0) are indeed associated with poorer health, odd-chain saturated fats (like C15:0) have been consistently linked to better metabolic, heart, and liver health.

Because both types of saturated fatty acids are found in the same foods, especially dairy fat, when we switched from whole fat to low fat milks, we decreased our intake of both the “bad” and “good” saturated fats. It is now believed that avoidance of foods with C15:0 may have led to nutritional deficiencies that are driving the global rise in chronic conditions. That’s how we got here, to a global re-education about saturated fats.

Now that that’s over, let’s talk award-winning fatty15

With that science to back us up, we’re now at C15:0 and fatty15.

During 2021 alone, 20 peer-reviewed scientific publications from global, independent research teams linked C15:0 to health benefits, including better metabolic, heart, and liver health.

Fatty15 is the first and only supplement of its kind. It’s 99% pure C15:0, containing just the good saturated fat, in powder form (FA15TM). It is vegan-friendly and has no fillers, no gluten, and no artificial flavors. Two out of three fatty15 customers report benefits like deeper sleep, a calmer mood, and less snacking within six weeks.

“I feel more motivation and mental energy to achieve tasks,” Melanie, a fatty15 customer said. “I have started to lose weight… and I generally feel more youthful.” Meanwhile, Dorran, another fatty15 customer commented, “Fatty15 takes the harsh edge off of aging… I feel I can trust my body more to be resilient to stress or illness.”

Nutritional Outlook Magazine even recognized the fatty15 team with the “2021 Best of the Industry Award” for their discovery and for being the first to bring C15:0 to the market, and W Magazine listed fatty15 as one of the “Best Vitamin Supplements of 2021”.

The fatty15 community is growing as the world wakes up to C15:0. In fact, over 98% of customers have made fatty15 part of their daily routine, and 85% of first-time customers return to fatty15 for more.

Future you will thank you

Medical and science institutions from Harvard to John Hopkins Universities have been publishing links between C15:0 and better health. With its potential to improve our overall health, promote our metabolic, heart and liver health, and prolong our lives, it’s leaving some in the nutrition community asking if C15:0 could be the next omega-3. But fatty15 is already way ahead of the curve. After all, they’ve spent 15+ years harnessing the science of pure C15:0 and fitting it into a tiny capsule for you. A tiny capsule, with big promise for your long-term health.


FDA Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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