DNA testing has become a popular thing in the world these days. That’s because it has become so easy that you can do it at home and get your results over the computer. But many of the companies that do these tests don’t decode 100% of your DNA. They tend to only do .02%.

Why go for such a small number if there is the chance to get the entire sequence decoded? Well you are in luck because there is a company that does that. And that company is Nebula Genomics. With the tests available on the site, you can decode 100% of your DNA in no time at all.

What is the benefit of getting 100% sequenced instead of .02%? Well, you get more info about you and your medical history. You’ll even find out more about your ancestry. All the answers you want are available on the site and you will get reports every week based around new scientific discoveries.

Nebula Genomics is an amazing resource for anyone to have. If you’ve ever wondered about where you come from or what runs in your family, then it is an absolute godsend. If you’ve ever used other similar resources like 23andMe or Ancestry DNA, you can even upload the results you received from those tests to help Nebula Genomics deliver an even more detailed report.

Best of all is that all of the testing with Nebula Genomics is private. You own the results and control who can receive the info. No shady dealings go on with your DNA. Just pure science from the beginning till the end.

And right now, Nebula Genomics is doing even better work than usual. Because right now, Nebula Genomics has teamed up with Global Genes. This partnership makes it so 10% of all net proceeds go to the testing of people with rare diseases. Helping a charity is never a bad thing, especially one doing such great work.

Right now, the holiday season is still in full swing. You may be looking to get someone a unique gift. Well, getting them a test from Nebula Genomics will definitely be unique. And fittingly for the holidays, you will be helping those in need. So pick up a test now and make it a very Merry holiday indeed.

Get It: Pick up the 30x Whole Genome Sequencing DNA Test ($299; was $1000) or the 100x Whole Genome Sequencing DNA Test ($999; was $3,500) at Nebula Genomics today!

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