October isn’t just the spooky Halloween season. It is also National Healthy Lung Month. That means a bunch of organizations band together to educate people about the importance of protecting our lungs. And Boost Oxygen is one of those amazing brands that is taking part in this educational push.

One of the best ways to make sure your lungs are operating at peak performance is breathing in clean air. And there’s a whole bunch of us in this country that aren’t breathing in the cleanest of air thanks to forest fires. Which is why having items like the Boost Oxygen Pocket Size Mixed Pack so important.

Clean oxygen helps out the lungs in a big way. The lungs will stay strong and you can workout harder with clean lungs. This means that you can get a big boost of energy with some clean air in your system. And you will get clean air whenever you need it with the Boost Oxygen Pocket Size Mixed Pack in tow.

In each bottle of the Boost Oxygen Pocket Size Mixed Pack, you will get 95% Pure Oxygen. That will boost your energy in a big way. You’ll feel fresher and more ready to tackle the day. If you feel sluggish, this is a great pack to have. Especially since 3 of the bottles are flavored, giving you an extra kick to the system.

Be it because there are forest fires mucking up the air or you wear a face mask most of the day or you just work out a lot, an extra boost of clean oxygen will go a long way in the short term and in the long term health of your lungs. So pick up the Boost Oxygen Pocket Size Mixed Pack to do your lungs a favor.

Get It: Pick up the Boost Oxygen Pocket Size Mixed Pack ($48) at LifeToGo

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