The only thing that can keep us out of the backyard in the summer heat is those bugs. Few things can measure up to the annoyance of some bugs biting the hell out of you while trying to relax in the yard. But with the GLOUE Bug Zapper in your life, you will have a much better chance of living bug-free out there.

When you pick up the GLOUE Bug Zapper and hang it up in the backyard, you will quickly see how effective it is. Using 360° of strong UV light and a strong electrical current, any bugs in the area will be attracted to the light and get zapped into oblivion. No more focusing on your sweet blood anymore.

Another strong benefit is how easy it is to set up. You get a long electrical cord with it, so you can set it up a good distance (60 inches) from any outlet and be good to go. Comes with a hook on top of itself so you can hang it anywhere. And when it’s hung, you just flip the switch and say goodbye to the flying bitties.

It also doesn’t hurt that the GLOUE Bug Zapper is waterproof too. That way you don’t have to worry about leaving it out there in a rainstorm. This is a pretty sturdy little number and for the sales price it is going for right now, you can’t go wrong picking it up.

For a discount of 57% off, the GLOUE Bug Zapper has never been more appealing to pick up. If you got a backyard that needs some help in the war on bugs, then this is the item for you. Pick one up now while stock is high and the price is just right.

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