LongHorn Steakhouse Steaks Ranked From Worst To Best

Facebook By Ryan Unger/Nov. 6, 2022 1:15 pm EST

Somewhere inside all of us there’s a carnivore that lurks in the shadows of our gut. Some people are able to stave off this thirst for all things animal, but others give into that meat-obsessed urge with full force and offer the primal belly beast whatever it’s craving. Often, that craving is a thick, rich, glistening cut of steak. When the time rolls around to feed the monster before it starts getting too agitated, one restaurant that has an answer to your appetite’s burning questions is LongHorn Steakhouse.

LongHorn Steakhouse’s website proudly states that the chain is “For steak lovers, by steak lovers.” The restaurant, which first opened in Atlanta, Georgia, in 1981, has come a long way since its humble beginning, cementing its name in the pantheon of restaurants that sling great cuts of steak to all those looking to get their carnivore on. LongHorn Steakhouse offers eight standard steak options to choose from at all of its locations. But let’s be honest, not every single one takes home the cake. Before you roll out to LongHorn Steakhouse in search of some quality beef, read on for our ranking of all their signature steaks from worst to first. That hungry beast in your belly will thank you.

  1. Renegade Sirloin

LongHorn Steakhouse

When it comes to a cut of sirloin, there are two types: the top sirloin and the bottom sirloin. The top sirloin, which is the more tender one, is cut from underneath the tenderloin strip, and since that area of the cow is very muscular, this cut of steak tends to be much firmer than others (via Omaha Steaks). It has little marbling, and many times that’s exactly what lean steak enthusiasts look for. And the Renegade Sirloin at LongHorn Steakhouse sure does feel tough.

Now, it’s not like this steak is so tough it’s inedible, but about halfway through this steak, you can find your jaw tiring from the immense amount of chewing that is required to break the steak up enough in your mouth. That alone can make a meal unenjoyable. If you can muscle through until the end, you do find the steak has decent flavor (mostly thanks to the Prairie Dust spice blend), but the sheer energy it takes to make it that far means you will probably be better off looking into another option.

  1. New York Strip


Call it the ambassador steak, call it the strip loin steak, or even call it the club steak. All these names refer to the New York Strip, which got its name from the early New York City steakhouses that served it (via Omaha Steaks). Now, you might expect that a cut of steak with a city as great as New York in its name must be the end-all be-all for steak lovers. Well, that all depends. New York Strips are known for a robust beefy flavor, but they can lack some of that coveted marbling that makes steaks so mouthwatering, depending on how they are trimmed. 

When it comes to the New York Strip at LongHorn Steakhouse, the biggest problem is that the steak isn’t as robust in flavor as it should be. This menu option is definitely more tender than the sirloin, which means you won’t have to train your jaw in preparation for the chewing, so that’s a plus. And there is a tiny bit of marbling that ruins throughout, so some fat does seep into the meat, but not much. However, that intense beefy taste associated with the steak, which the restaurant claims is “rire-grilled to enhance its distinctive flavor,” just doesn’t pack that wallop on your tongue like it should.

  1. Fire-Grilled T-Bone


It doesn’t take a brainiac to know where this cut of steak gets its name. There’s an obvious T-shaped bone that separates the steak into two separate cuts: a New York Strip and a tenderloin (via Rube’s Steaks). So you get a lot of bang for your buck here by getting to enjoy two different cuts with their own distinct flavors and textures. Now, as enticing as the Fire-Grilled T-Bone steak looks on the LongHorn Steakhouse menu, there are a couple downsides.

One issue that might irk those looking for a steak full of run-down-your-chin juices is that there isn’t much marbling. Both New York Strips and tenderloins (the cut that filet mignon comes from) don’t flow with as much of those rich fatty juices as some other cuts of steak. And the second issue is that the robust taste a New York Strip is supposed to carry just seems to fall short here. The tenderloin half does have a very soft texture, but the fact that it’s only half of your meal might prove disappointing.

  1. LongHorn Porterhouse


If you’re the kind of person who frequents steakhouses, then you know that many times the porterhouse cut is the cream of the crop. It’s absolutely huge, so it only makes sense that it reigns supreme in so many restaurants. The porterhouse is basically just a larger T-bone, with the bone separating the steak into two cuts, the beefy New York Strip and the super soft tenderloin (via Chicago Steak Company). But there is a strict difference. According to the USDA, the T-bone must be at least 1.25 inches thick when measured from the bone to the widest part of the filet. 

The LongHorn Porterhouse does one up the T-bone on the menu, but it still doesn’t rise to the top of the steak list. One big plus of this steak is that it’s enormous, so if you’re looking to split a meal, this is the ideal amount of beef. And since it’s much bigger than the T-bone, the tenderloin side is naturally bigger, and that means more melt-in-your-mouth steak galore to enjoy. But, there’s still that pesky New York Strip that doesn’t slam it home with rich beefy flavor at LongHorn Steakhouse. So the fact that it’s bigger on a porterhouse doesn’t help.

  1. Flo’s Filet

LongHorn Steakhouse

Ah, the filet mignon. It’s the cut of steak you order when you want to prove to the group of people you’re eating with just how fancy your palate is. The name translates to cute filet, and when you see that glistening medallion of beef resting in the center of a plate, it does look somewhat adorable. Filet mignon, although lacking any vibrant marbling, is known for its astoundingly buttery texture (via Omaha Steaks). Even without the fatty striations melting into the meat while on the grill, you get a bite that falls apart on your tongue. This is what makes Flo’s Filet at LongHorn Steakhouse such an appealing option.

This silky little meat medallion is coated in LongHorn’s Prairie Dust seasoning, which is a mixture of several spices including cayenne, paprika, coriander, and turmeric. The spice blend adds a really nice kick of flavor, but it tastes even better since it’s coating a steak so tender you can practically cut it with a spoon. Again, filet mignon isn’t known for its marbling, so if that’s what you’re seeking then look elsewhere. But the tenderness here makes the lack of marbling worth your time if you’re just looking for a tasty cut of beef.

  1. Ribeye

LongHorn Steakhouse

Ladies and gentlemen, when it comes to the ribeye, rest assured you’re dealing with a cut of meat that looms above most of the rest in terms of marbling and flavor. The almighty ribeye is prized for its beautiful striations of glistening fat that run amok through the meat, allowing each bite to erupt with rich juices that coat your palate. This is why people love the ribeye, and this is also why Longhorn Steakhouse’s Ribeye is a great option.

Some people are completely turned off by a fatty bite of meat. Well, that just means there are more ribeyes available for those who know that, when it comes to steak, fat equals flavor. Boatloads of flavor. The 12-ounce cut that LongHorn serves has every bit of gorgeous marbling you could hope for in a cut of steak. Every bite of meat is thoroughly soaked in the fat that rests alongside it, making for an explosion of hearty juices every time your teeth bite down. This is the kind of cut that steak lovers salivate over.

  1. Chop Steak

LongHorn Steakhouse

You might be wondering what in the world could make the Chop Steak from LongHorn Steakhouse land this close to the top of our ranking. A chopped steak is simply ground up sirloin that’s molded into a patty and then grilled (via Chef Billy Parisi). Nothing too special about that, right? Well, it’s not the actual meat here that pushes this to the front of the line. It’s all the fixings that come with it that send the dish’s flavor into high gear on your palate. At LongHorn, you can’t stop the chop.

The patty itself has a great mouthfeel due to the ground beef, and it falls apart nicely on your palate. The steak comes smothered in grilled mushrooms, caramelized onions, and a rich and savory garlic herb sauce. The mushrooms are so tender and lend a wonderful earthiness. The sweetness from the caramelized onions peeks its head through the meat’s richness perfectly. And, the garlic herb sauce ties everything together under one umami-like umbrella that coats the mouth and leaves you wanting more and more.

  1. Outlaw Ribeye


If you’re gonna go big at a steakhouse, you might as well do it like an outlaw would. And that means ordering a massive slab of meat full of exceptional marbling and epic flavor. Something so tasty it should be given a prison sentence. Well, that’s exactly what you’ll get with the Outlaw Ribeye at LongHorn Steakhouse. This thing looks you in the eye once it hits the table and demands you show it respect — or else.

This steak is 20 ounces of volcanic flavor eruption on a plate. The marbling is in-your-face intense, and that means every piece you cut off has juices pouring out of it like little glistening waterfalls. Think it can’t get any better than that? Well, this behemoth also comes with the bone attached, so you get the additional flavor of the marrow seeping into the surrounding meat for a layer of decadence that’ll have you scheduling your return trip to LongHorn Steakhouse as soon as you get back home.

LongHorn Steakhouse Steaks Ranked From Worst To Best


By Ryan Unger/Nov. 6, 2022 1:15 pm EST

Somewhere inside all of us there’s a carnivore that lurks in the shadows of our gut. Some people are able to stave off this thirst for all things animal, but others give into that meat-obsessed urge with full force and offer the primal belly beast whatever it’s craving. Often, that craving is a thick, rich, glistening cut of steak. When the time rolls around to feed the monster before it starts getting too agitated, one restaurant that has an answer to your appetite’s burning questions is LongHorn Steakhouse.

LongHorn Steakhouse’s website proudly states that the chain is “For steak lovers, by steak lovers.” The restaurant, which first opened in Atlanta, Georgia, in 1981, has come a long way since its humble beginning, cementing its name in the pantheon of restaurants that sling great cuts of steak to all those looking to get their carnivore on. LongHorn Steakhouse offers eight standard steak options to choose from at all of its locations. But let’s be honest, not every single one takes home the cake. Before you roll out to LongHorn Steakhouse in search of some quality beef, read on for our ranking of all their signature steaks from worst to first. That hungry beast in your belly will thank you.

LongHorn Steakhouse’s website proudly states that the chain is “For steak lovers, by steak lovers.” The restaurant, which first opened in Atlanta, Georgia, in 1981, has come a long way since its humble beginning, cementing its name in the pantheon of restaurants that sling great cuts of steak to all those looking to get their carnivore on. LongHorn Steakhouse offers eight standard steak options to choose from at all of its locations. But let’s be honest, not every single one takes home the cake. Before you roll out to LongHorn Steakhouse in search of some quality beef, read on for our ranking of all their signature steaks from worst to first. That hungry beast in your belly will thank you.

8. Renegade Sirloin

LongHorn Steakhouse

When it comes to a cut of sirloin, there are two types: the top sirloin and the bottom sirloin. The top sirloin, which is the more tender one, is cut from underneath the tenderloin strip, and since that area of the cow is very muscular, this cut of steak tends to be much firmer than others (via Omaha Steaks). It has little marbling, and many times that’s exactly what lean steak enthusiasts look for. And the Renegade Sirloin at LongHorn Steakhouse sure does feel tough.

Now, it’s not like this steak is so tough it’s inedible, but about halfway through this steak, you can find your jaw tiring from the immense amount of chewing that is required to break the steak up enough in your mouth. That alone can make a meal unenjoyable. If you can muscle through until the end, you do find the steak has decent flavor (mostly thanks to the Prairie Dust spice blend), but the sheer energy it takes to make it that far means you will probably be better off looking into another option.

Now, it’s not like this steak is so tough it’s inedible, but about halfway through this steak, you can find your jaw tiring from the immense amount of chewing that is required to break the steak up enough in your mouth. That alone can make a meal unenjoyable. If you can muscle through until the end, you do find the steak has decent flavor (mostly thanks to the Prairie Dust spice blend), but the sheer energy it takes to make it that far means you will probably be better off looking into another option.

7. New York Strip

Call it the ambassador steak, call it the strip loin steak, or even call it the club steak. All these names refer to the New York Strip, which got its name from the early New York City steakhouses that served it (via Omaha Steaks). Now, you might expect that a cut of steak with a city as great as New York in its name must be the end-all be-all for steak lovers. Well, that all depends. New York Strips are known for a robust beefy flavor, but they can lack some of that coveted marbling that makes steaks so mouthwatering, depending on how they are trimmed. 

When it comes to the New York Strip at LongHorn Steakhouse, the biggest problem is that the steak isn’t as robust in flavor as it should be. This menu option is definitely more tender than the sirloin, which means you won’t have to train your jaw in preparation for the chewing, so that’s a plus. And there is a tiny bit of marbling that ruins throughout, so some fat does seep into the meat, but not much. However, that intense beefy taste associated with the steak, which the restaurant claims is “rire-grilled to enhance its distinctive flavor,” just doesn’t pack that wallop on your tongue like it should.

When it comes to the New York Strip at LongHorn Steakhouse, the biggest problem is that the steak isn’t as robust in flavor as it should be. This menu option is definitely more tender than the sirloin, which means you won’t have to train your jaw in preparation for the chewing, so that’s a plus. And there is a tiny bit of marbling that ruins throughout, so some fat does seep into the meat, but not much. However, that intense beefy taste associated with the steak, which the restaurant claims is “rire-grilled to enhance its distinctive flavor,” just doesn’t pack that wallop on your tongue like it should.

6. Fire-Grilled T-Bone

It doesn’t take a brainiac to know where this cut of steak gets its name. There’s an obvious T-shaped bone that separates the steak into two separate cuts: a New York Strip and a tenderloin (via Rube’s Steaks). So you get a lot of bang for your buck here by getting to enjoy two different cuts with their own distinct flavors and textures. Now, as enticing as the Fire-Grilled T-Bone steak looks on the LongHorn Steakhouse menu, there are a couple downsides.

One issue that might irk those looking for a steak full of run-down-your-chin juices is that there isn’t much marbling. Both New York Strips and tenderloins (the cut that filet mignon comes from) don’t flow with as much of those rich fatty juices as some other cuts of steak. And the second issue is that the robust taste a New York Strip is supposed to carry just seems to fall short here. The tenderloin half does have a very soft texture, but the fact that it’s only half of your meal might prove disappointing.

One issue that might irk those looking for a steak full of run-down-your-chin juices is that there isn’t much marbling. Both New York Strips and tenderloins (the cut that filet mignon comes from) don’t flow with as much of those rich fatty juices as some other cuts of steak. And the second issue is that the robust taste a New York Strip is supposed to carry just seems to fall short here. The tenderloin half does have a very soft texture, but the fact that it’s only half of your meal might prove disappointing.

5. LongHorn Porterhouse

If you’re the kind of person who frequents steakhouses, then you know that many times the porterhouse cut is the cream of the crop. It’s absolutely huge, so it only makes sense that it reigns supreme in so many restaurants. The porterhouse is basically just a larger T-bone, with the bone separating the steak into two cuts, the beefy New York Strip and the super soft tenderloin (via Chicago Steak Company). But there is a strict difference. According to the USDA, the T-bone must be at least 1.25 inches thick when measured from the bone to the widest part of the filet. 

The LongHorn Porterhouse does one up the T-bone on the menu, but it still doesn’t rise to the top of the steak list. One big plus of this steak is that it’s enormous, so if you’re looking to split a meal, this is the ideal amount of beef. And since it’s much bigger than the T-bone, the tenderloin side is naturally bigger, and that means more melt-in-your-mouth steak galore to enjoy. But, there’s still that pesky New York Strip that doesn’t slam it home with rich beefy flavor at LongHorn Steakhouse. So the fact that it’s bigger on a porterhouse doesn’t help.

The LongHorn Porterhouse does one up the T-bone on the menu, but it still doesn’t rise to the top of the steak list. One big plus of this steak is that it’s enormous, so if you’re looking to split a meal, this is the ideal amount of beef. And since it’s much bigger than the T-bone, the tenderloin side is naturally bigger, and that means more melt-in-your-mouth steak galore to enjoy. But, there’s still that pesky New York Strip that doesn’t slam it home with rich beefy flavor at LongHorn Steakhouse. So the fact that it’s bigger on a porterhouse doesn’t help.

4. Flo’s Filet

Ah, the filet mignon. It’s the cut of steak you order when you want to prove to the group of people you’re eating with just how fancy your palate is. The name translates to cute filet, and when you see that glistening medallion of beef resting in the center of a plate, it does look somewhat adorable. Filet mignon, although lacking any vibrant marbling, is known for its astoundingly buttery texture (via Omaha Steaks). Even without the fatty striations melting into the meat while on the grill, you get a bite that falls apart on your tongue. This is what makes Flo’s Filet at LongHorn Steakhouse such an appealing option.

This silky little meat medallion is coated in LongHorn’s Prairie Dust seasoning, which is a mixture of several spices including cayenne, paprika, coriander, and turmeric. The spice blend adds a really nice kick of flavor, but it tastes even better since it’s coating a steak so tender you can practically cut it with a spoon. Again, filet mignon isn’t known for its marbling, so if that’s what you’re seeking then look elsewhere. But the tenderness here makes the lack of marbling worth your time if you’re just looking for a tasty cut of beef.

This silky little meat medallion is coated in LongHorn’s Prairie Dust seasoning, which is a mixture of several spices including cayenne, paprika, coriander, and turmeric. The spice blend adds a really nice kick of flavor, but it tastes even better since it’s coating a steak so tender you can practically cut it with a spoon. Again, filet mignon isn’t known for its marbling, so if that’s what you’re seeking then look elsewhere. But the tenderness here makes the lack of marbling worth your time if you’re just looking for a tasty cut of beef.

3. Ribeye

Ladies and gentlemen, when it comes to the ribeye, rest assured you’re dealing with a cut of meat that looms above most of the rest in terms of marbling and flavor. The almighty ribeye is prized for its beautiful striations of glistening fat that run amok through the meat, allowing each bite to erupt with rich juices that coat your palate. This is why people love the ribeye, and this is also why Longhorn Steakhouse’s Ribeye is a great option.

Some people are completely turned off by a fatty bite of meat. Well, that just means there are more ribeyes available for those who know that, when it comes to steak, fat equals flavor. Boatloads of flavor. The 12-ounce cut that LongHorn serves has every bit of gorgeous marbling you could hope for in a cut of steak. Every bite of meat is thoroughly soaked in the fat that rests alongside it, making for an explosion of hearty juices every time your teeth bite down. This is the kind of cut that steak lovers salivate over.

Some people are completely turned off by a fatty bite of meat. Well, that just means there are more ribeyes available for those who know that, when it comes to steak, fat equals flavor. Boatloads of flavor. The 12-ounce cut that LongHorn serves has every bit of gorgeous marbling you could hope for in a cut of steak. Every bite of meat is thoroughly soaked in the fat that rests alongside it, making for an explosion of hearty juices every time your teeth bite down. This is the kind of cut that steak lovers salivate over.

2. Chop Steak

You might be wondering what in the world could make the Chop Steak from LongHorn Steakhouse land this close to the top of our ranking. A chopped steak is simply ground up sirloin that’s molded into a patty and then grilled (via Chef Billy Parisi). Nothing too special about that, right? Well, it’s not the actual meat here that pushes this to the front of the line. It’s all the fixings that come with it that send the dish’s flavor into high gear on your palate. At LongHorn, you can’t stop the chop.

The patty itself has a great mouthfeel due to the ground beef, and it falls apart nicely on your palate. The steak comes smothered in grilled mushrooms, caramelized onions, and a rich and savory garlic herb sauce. The mushrooms are so tender and lend a wonderful earthiness. The sweetness from the caramelized onions peeks its head through the meat’s richness perfectly. And, the garlic herb sauce ties everything together under one umami-like umbrella that coats the mouth and leaves you wanting more and more.

The patty itself has a great mouthfeel due to the ground beef, and it falls apart nicely on your palate. The steak comes smothered in grilled mushrooms, caramelized onions, and a rich and savory garlic herb sauce. The mushrooms are so tender and lend a wonderful earthiness. The sweetness from the caramelized onions peeks its head through the meat’s richness perfectly. And, the garlic herb sauce ties everything together under one umami-like umbrella that coats the mouth and leaves you wanting more and more.

1. Outlaw Ribeye

If you’re gonna go big at a steakhouse, you might as well do it like an outlaw would. And that means ordering a massive slab of meat full of exceptional marbling and epic flavor. Something so tasty it should be given a prison sentence. Well, that’s exactly what you’ll get with the Outlaw Ribeye at LongHorn Steakhouse. This thing looks you in the eye once it hits the table and demands you show it respect — or else.

This steak is 20 ounces of volcanic flavor eruption on a plate. The marbling is in-your-face intense, and that means every piece you cut off has juices pouring out of it like little glistening waterfalls. Think it can’t get any better than that? Well, this behemoth also comes with the bone attached, so you get the additional flavor of the marrow seeping into the surrounding meat for a layer of decadence that’ll have you scheduling your return trip to LongHorn Steakhouse as soon as you get back home.

This steak is 20 ounces of volcanic flavor eruption on a plate. The marbling is in-your-face intense, and that means every piece you cut off has juices pouring out of it like little glistening waterfalls. Think it can’t get any better than that? Well, this behemoth also comes with the bone attached, so you get the additional flavor of the marrow seeping into the surrounding meat for a layer of decadence that’ll have you scheduling your return trip to LongHorn Steakhouse as soon as you get back home.