These days, we all need to focus on our cleanliness. When we leave the house, there are germs out there that are looking to ruin your day. And you may not realize it, but your phone is a big hub for germs. If you want an easy way to keep your phone clean, then you should pick up PhoneSoap Pro.

The PhoneSoap Pro is a great item that everyone should have. These days, we all have phones and headphones to keep clean. So having this in the house is a great way to make sure they are always clean. It’s easy as pie too, since you just need to plug it in and put your phone in it for 5 minutes.

As your phone is sitting in the PhoneSoap Pro for 5 minutes, it is getting absolutely bombarded with UV-C light, which will eradicate 99.99% of germs. This company has been doing this for 10 years now, so this newer model gets it done in half the time as usual. Powerful and easy to use. Can’t beat that.

You don’t have to just use the PhoneSoap Pro for your phone either. You can put airpods or any gadget like it in there to clean it out. Set the item to automatic or manual, that way it can automatically start cleaning once something is placed in it. You can even sleep with your phone in it and still hear your alarm in the morning.

There’s a reason that these items were out of stock for the first 6 months of the pandemic. They’re easy to use and they’re very effective. Luckily for you, they’re back in stock. And best of all is you can buy one and get a second for 50% off. Any of the items in the store will be discounted during checkout.

So if you’re looking to get some new gadgets to keep your phone clean at home, the PhoneSoap Pro is for you. And you can use the current BOGO 50% off sale to get another model to keep your phone clean on the go. Utilize this promotion now while you still can. You won’t regret it.

Get It: Pick up the PhoneSoap Pro ($120) at PhoneSoap

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