Many months have passed during this pandemic and life is still up in the air. Even if gyms are opening up in some spots, it is for the best for you to stay at home and workout. But if you don’t wanna spend a ton of money on gym equipment, then the Activbody Activ5 Handheld Isometric Strength Training Device is for you.

What makes the Activbody Activ5 Handheld Isometric Strength Training Device so great for home workouts? Simply put, it makes it so you don’t need equipment. This little device allows you to use whatever you got around you to help aid in muscle resistance. It measures up the resistance and sends it to the app on your phone.

When the Activbody Activ5 Handheld Isometric Strength Training Device has measured the resistance you are experiencing, it can then tell you what kind of workout you need to do. Reps and time and such. So you can just get to it with no dumbells or anything like that. You can just use yourself for a great workout.

The Activbody Activ5 Handheld Isometric Strength Training Device measures the resistance by placing it on your muscles that you are working out. There’s a sensor in there and it is very accurate. With these levels recorded, you can see what your workout needs to look like.

Not only does this Activbody Activ5 Handheld Isometric Strength Training Device help you in that way, but it also comes with a ton of workouts for you to do at home. Simple but effective workouts that you can find on your phone app. And that way you can also keep track of your progress to see what your path looks like.

Every single muscle group is going to benefit from having the Activbody Activ5 Handheld Isometric Strength Training Device. It’s simple and convenient. You can come out of this pandemic looking like a top-shelf athlete when you pick this up. So don’t wait around. Add it to your life today.

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