There’s nothing like being in a loving relationship. Having someone there for you whenever you need them or someone you need to be there for. A deep connection is hard to beat. And one of the biggest benefits that comes with being in a relationship is the physical aspect. Because after a long day or just whenever the mood strikes, nothing can make your mood lift up like being intimate with your loved one.

And yet, there is a way for such a lovely experience to go wildly off course. To go in a way that leaves no one satisfied or all too thrilled. And that is when you just do not last long enough. Sex doesn’t have to be a marathon or anything like that. But it should last longer than a 40-yard dash. Not just because your partner will get more pleasure the longer it goes. But so will you.

Just because you end up finishing during sex doesn’t mean it’s the best finish you’ve ever had. Finishing quickly is like finishing a race in first place because no one else was competing. It’s a hollow victory. Letting all that energy build and build before finally unleashing it is like a holy awakening. This is not something that anyone wants to deal with. But it’s something you may have to deal with at some point in life.

Dealing with early finishes is not something anyone wants to claim in public. But it’s something that ties men of all kinds together. There’s no real physical connection one can point to that says why this is happening. It certainly has nothing to do with the size of your johnson. Whatever the reason why this is happening, you would be best putting aside the anger and disappointment you feel and start cracking down on the problem itself.

There are a bunch of different ways you can tackle the issues at hand. For one, your physicality might be the problem. Not the size of your business. But the size of you. You may be too heavy, the weight causing issues with your blood pressure and the like. So it makes sense you might not be able to last. Or you may need to gain some weight. In the end, you need to figure out what’s going on with the body and change up how you eat.

Maybe you need to take a look at doing pelvic exercises. By doing workouts like kegels every day, you can strengthen the pubococcygeus muscle. And from there, your member should be able to go to town a whole lot longer. In general, it can’t hurt to work the muscle out. No need to make too big a change. You can do a workout like that while you’re working. Simple as can be, but it needs serious dedication. Every day.

Medications might also be a problem for you. Some antidepressants can inhibit the body’s ability to get excited or last long or just finish in general. Which is not the greatest feeling in the world, which will make you at least thankful you’re already on those kinds of meds to avoid the misery such an event can bring up. Or these meds can actually help you since the lack of finishing can be used to your benefit in the bed. Longer lasting times is nothing to sneeze at.

But there are some things you can do that take no time or effort at all. No need to go to a doctor or do a workout or anything. All you need to do is head on over to a retailer of choice and pick up some supplements and/or creams. Items that will get your body to react differently during sex. That will give you the juice needed to last for a while and to enjoy the act itself with no more self-pitying or misery.

Having done such thorough work, we have come out and delivered 5 of the best items out there for you. A little variety too. Some creams and some supplements and even a pack of condoms are made to do the job. But we think that there is one that stands as the BEST OVERALL of the bunch. And that is the K-Y Duration Gel. Because when you get this in your life, you’ll find such disappointing issues popping up with a severely decreased frequency.

Any of these would make for a smart pickup for you guys. So if you are looking to make a better go at it and pick up some gear that is going to help you extend your bedroom performance for the betterment of everyone involved, you need to check out these picks below and make the purchase(s) that work best for you. And you best do it now. There’s no time like the present to surprise your partner with the best sex they’ve had in a while.




Like we said above, this is our choice for the best overall. And we chose it for a reason. The biggest reason being that it will stop the issues of premature ejaculation and quick run times. You rub this one before the deed gets done and you will start to last. It does so by reducing the sensitivity of the nerves in those all too important areas. So by decreasing the activity going on down there, you can let the nerves get properly excited by making love to your partner. Studies show that up to 39% of men deal with these kinds of issues. You don’t have to be a part of that crew with the help of KY, bringing the expertise from the lube game to the game of lasting longer in bed.

PROS: Easy to use and it will help keep you going for much longer than normal

CONS: Sounds pretty great to us


Maybe you want to really take the bull by the horns and explore all areas. Try to make sure there’s enough lead in that pencil for you to ace the test without any issues. So you pick up that KY cream up above. But you want to take some supplements during the day to help your body get the resistance to stop yourself from being another PE statistic. Well, you can’t go wrong with taking some ginseng. Because when ginseng starts to get ahold of your system, you will see some really amazing results in the bed. From longer-lasting sessions to more impressive erections to better climaxes. Just an all-around better experience. Build your system up in tandem with the other helpful items.

PROS: Won’t just help in the premature ejaculation game, but it’ll just make sex better in most areas

CONS: Won’t take hold just immediately, needs to be used over time


There have been plenty of studies done researching the issue of PE and how to best combat them. One of the best being using creams like this one from Doc Johnson. For many men, the issue comes from having nerve endings that are just way too excited. They get set off at the drop of a hat and it can be hard to get it under control. But with this cream, you can definitely do that. With this odorless and flavorless cream, you can get back to the act without any worries at all.

PROS: Very affordable and very effective at bringing the heat in bed

CONS: Creams may bring some issues of continued genital numbness, which is not ideal


Maca complex can do a wonderful job at getting your body ready for lovemaking. And not just lovemaking. But longer-lasting lovemaking. You will get the system that is built to handle your blood pumping for long periods of time. Your libido will get a shot to the system and you will be able to see your little man go for a whole lot longer. This may be a pretty expensive option all things considered, but it can be used in tandem with creams and such to help keep you from coming up short and dropping the ball at the 1-yard line. Studies show that this issue crops up more over time as you age. But no matter your age, you won’t deal with that issue too much anymore when you get a steady routine of this in your bloodstream.

PROS: Over time, it’ll get your body primed for lovemaking for longer stretches of time

CONS: Takes time to get your body ready and is kind of expensive. But it’s all worth it in the end


Most of us may not like using condoms all that much. It’s nice to not worry about disease or pregnancies. But they’re uncomfortable and tend to get in the way more often than not. But they do tend to decrease sensation in your nerves, so you can last longer with them. And that goes doubly for these condoms from Trojan, the masters of the protection game. These condoms are lubricated with the kind of nerve desensitizing cream that will help keep you from finishing too soon. It may not be ideal if you’re in a long-term situation, but it’s better than the alternative. Some studies have shown that Vitamin D can help your body last longer during sex. But that will take some time. If you need to get down right away,  then these condoms are where it’s at.

PROS: With the condom itself and then the lube it’s made with, these will greatly increase your stamina

CONS: Condoms are uncomfortable to wear

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