One of the many joys of getting older is all the new aches and pains that crop up. Especially if you like to work out. It’s just a problem in life we all have to deal with at some point. And if you’re dealing with elbow pain these days, you should pick up the TheraBand FlexBar to get rid of all that nonsense.

The TheraBand FlexBar is a great piece of equipment for anyone looking to get rid of elbow pain. Studies have shown that using this will reduce elbow pain by 81%. Not only that, but it will help increase strength in the tendons. That way you’re not just getting rid of pain, but making your elbows even stronger.

Reducing pain and making your elbows stronger is the kind of thing that makes the TheraBand FlexBar such a great piece of equipment. And even better is that it is simple as hell to use. You just got to grab hold of it at different angles and twist away. Simple and efficient. Not to mention super convenient.

This item is not something that is gonna take up too much space in your life. You can go ahead and put this away in any ole closet or drawer you got when it’s not being used. And it’ll be in and out of those closets for a good long while, thanks to its super durable design. In every way, this is a winner.

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