Remember when shopping for furniture didn’t entail scrolling through a never-ending list of plastic-based pieces that are far from one-of-a-kind? We miss the days when honest craftsmanship was involved in the making of furniture.

Nowadays, it seems like the furniture designs we love are always duplicated by companies that use cheap materials. Plastic is replacing wood, quantity is replacing quality, and the experience we have with our furniture is slowly losing its meaning.

What furniture are we choosing to purchase, and why? As we get older and move from place to place, we have to ask ourselves: “What’s worth bringing along?”

Honestly, it’s a waste to purchase temporary pieces of furniture as placeholders for what you really want. We’re in a time where there is no time to generate excess waste. The responsible way to shop for furniture is to search for quality pieces that last a lifetime—and a lifetime after that.

Meet Corey Eichenberger, one of the only heirloom furniture designers in Los Angeles that understands the importance of quality furniture. This LA-based designer is making sustainable handcrafted furniture to last generations.

Furniture Design and Construction—The Way It’s Intended

Corey grew up in Los Angeles, California and had the opportunity to travel the world with his dad, Todd. Corey was impacted by the cultures and art he was exposed to from a young age through his world travels.

From surf and skate culture to LA street art, Corey experienced so many beautiful walks of life. He made incredible friends, most of whom were good-hearted artists and athletes.

After a few summers teaching surf lessons, Corey and a friend decided to save money and start a non-profit. They took an old 4-Runner truck and drove from LA to South America, stopping along the way to give water filters to anyone who needed them.

After Corey’s non-profit experience, he returned to California where he started working with his father, who is a renowned green home designer and builder. Todd taught Corey how to build handmade creations with tasteful attention to detail.

Corey helped his dad build homes for a while but quickly found himself craving a creative outlet.

After landing in a furniture workshop where he met his mentors, Colin Sonnichsen and Casey McCafferty, Corey knew he had found his passion as a woodworker. These experiences became Corey’s first steps into furniture design and construction—the way furniture is meant to be built.

A Tangible Piece of Art and Furniture

After working in a few different shops, Corey found himself at Lillie and Chaffee’s studio (of Parker & Burkheart). This is where Corey knew he could have a career making furniture. The attention to detail and “anything is possible” attitude Colin, Lillie, and Chaffee brought to the table was contagious. Here, he learned the back-end work of furniture design, which can be as important as the work itself.

During the pandemic, Corey started his business and began creating a line of sustainable hardwood furniture. Corey’s business was the culmination of his life’s journey through woodworking—and a make or break moment in his design dreams.

Thus, Corey Joseph Designs was born.

With conscious strides and an acute awareness of his carbon footprint, Corey makes it his goal to create a more sustainable present and a cleaner future. Through the use of raw materials, Corey is a woodworker and craftsman who’s staying true to the art of furniture making and true to his roots—the simplicity and the balance of the west LA surf culture he grew up around.

Corey’s passion and purpose are to have his work find its way into beautiful homes and galleries, creating the idea that furniture is a tangible piece of art.

Experience Corey’s art in your home, today!

Practice, Hard Work, and Precision

Corey Joseph Designs is the one-stop-shop for all of your high-quality furniture wishes. From one-of-a-kind handmade credenzas to canopy beds and nightstands, the custom craftsmanship of these pieces makes them fine furniture and fine art.

The Kinston Nightstand from Corey Joseph Designs is a combination of his carefully selected finishes and wood species. With antiqued and polished brass hardware, the choice of metal and wood for this piece demonstrates Corey’s expert eye for color and texture combinations.

With an airy open shelf on the bottom and a pull-out drawer up top, this nightstand also has a secret drawer in its base, accessible by key card while still maintaining its thoughtful design. This bedside table is the perfect complement to his handcrafted Canopy Bed and your dream bedroom set.

Available in California king, king, and queen, the Canopy Bed is a smooth wood-crafted piece that can be passed down through generations.

Smooth to the Touch and Ready to Stand the Test of Time—How Furniture Is Meant to Be

Fill your life with sustainably made pieces of furniture that will stand proudly in your home, your children’s home, and their children’s home. That’s how furniture is supposed to be, after all—smooth to the touch, and ready for the test of time.

There’s something reassuring about sturdy furniture made by an honest craftsman. It just feels right.

There’s always going to be furniture on the market made to last a year and be thrown away. It’s the unfortunate and unsustainable truth. It’s up to you to fill your home with responsible furniture made with purpose.

Take the first steps towards your sustainable legacy, and visit Corey Joseph Designs today.

Beauty Is Ephemeral, but Your Furniture Will Endure

Gathering inspiration from LA street culture, childhood travels, Japanese woodworking, and surf culture, Corey’s furniture combines modern and traditional design elements and master craftsmanship.

Through the lens of Wabi-Sabi—the Japanese understanding of imperfection, impermanence, and transience in beauty—there is a balance to the organic materials in the furniture from Corey Joseph Designs that makes every piece unique.

Furniture for Your Home, Wherever You Roam

There is something to be said about custom woodworking in the 21st century. There are very few people that still take the time to craft, build, and design custom furniture. There are even fewer companies who care to understand the importance of bringing long-lasting furniture into people’s homes.

The more time we spend buying plastic furniture that breaks after one year of use, the longer we perpetuate an inability to be sustainable in our homes.

When you go looking for a new desk, lounge chair, or coffee table, remember that a custom crafted piece from Corey Joseph Designs is made for life.

These long-term investments will alter your understanding of furniture forever. Craft is key when it comes to furniture purchases, and there’s no other company like Corey Joseph Designs.

Whether you’re in the market for bedside tables or a credenza, Corey Joseph Designs has something special ready to compliment your home.

For a perfectly unique combination of craft and artistry, Corey Joseph Designs is a California company that’s here to deliver the furniture you need for your home, wherever home takes you.

You’ll never see furniture the same way again when you purchase one of Corey’s tasteful and timeless designs—so what are you waiting for?

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