Halloween is right around the corner. With the way 2020 has been going, it’ll be here before you can even say the words trick or treat. Once Halloween has come and gone, it’ll mean the holiday season is upon us. You don’t have to wait for Thanksgiving to start preparing for the season. You can prep now.

With the way 2020 has been going, anyone with a dog in the home has been a lot happier than ever before to have that pup nearby. Giving constant companionship and love in this time of mass isolation. So when you start prepping for the holiday season, you should get them into the mix too.

An easy way to get them into the mix is to head on over to Chewy. That’s because right now, you can pick up the Goody Box Holiday Toys set. Within that set, you will get a handful of amazing items that will add to the holiday aesthetic of the home while giving the family pet a ton of entertainment.

What you will find in the Goody Box Holiday Toys is an amazing holiday-themed dog toy for them to play with. You’ll also get a nice holiday-themed bandana to tie around them, as well as a similarly themed blanket for them to curl up in. Not to mention two bags of amazing treats that will satisfy any dog’s hunger.

The home will look a lot more holiday-themed with the Goody Box Holiday Toys inside of it. Decking the dog out in some great holiday-themed attire is great. And having a holiday toy laying around adds to the charm. All the while spoiling that little dog as they deserve. So pick up a box now. They will love it.

Get It: Pick up the Goody Box Holiday Toys ($25; was $34) at Chewy

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